• Mon to Fri: 9:00am to 6:00pm

  • 10850 Sam Black Road, Suite B, Midland, NC 28107

“Good Evening Phil, I have been practicing the principles you taught me consistently, and with much commitment. The outcome at this point, will serve better than any long winded description of my practice. My wife now writes me love notes randomly during the week. She approaches me in a much gentler, and kinder way. Most importantly, she has shared in working to improve our kinship with each other as a special and private connection. She has been deeply open with me about how she has truly felt about her life and our relationship over the years. The best part of it all is: she can clearly see that there is no one else that will go to the lengths I am willing to, to keep a healthy and happy as can be relationship with her. And now she feels as though she has a partner that will match her level of commitment.”

Anonymous, Patient

“We never realized how we were communicating was contributing to our health problems. This explains a lot.”

C. R., Patient

“We now know how stress is affecting our relationship. We never heard it explained it so clearly and simply.”

P. R., Patient

“We now know how stress is affecting our relationship. We never heard it explained it so clearly and simply.”

P. R., Patient

“I came into counseling for marital problems I was having. I have been meaning to exercise for years. I now know I need to start now.”

Statesville Firefighter, Patient

“Wow! I am in the medical field and thought I knew about the f/f response and brain functioning. I have never seen this material put together like this. I didn’t know it could be that simple and clarify so much.”

R. C., Patient

“I had a bad problem with a temper. I tried everything. I went to a lot of counselors through the years. Nothing worked, no one helped me. I was desperate. I lost wives, jobs, had runs in with the law because of my temper. When I went to Phil, I immediately understood what was causing my temper and how to begin to control it. The first week I had only one or two outbursts, both short lived. Six sessions and eight weeks later, I was had all I needed to continue to work on my temper. He saved my marriage and changed me.”

K. T., Patient

“This (the solution), was so simple and obvious I didn’t know why I didn’t think of it myself.”

O. S., Patient

“I did what Phil said it worked like a charm. I am only sorry I didn’t do this 8 years ago.”

B. G., Patient

“From the “dead zone” back to loving and living. I got more out of 3 sessions with Phil than I did with 4 years of counseling with other therapists.”

Brett K. Holly, Patient

“We used to argue every day, and very intensely. We now talk to each other. Occasional we have little spates but they are rare and end quickly. We now can sit and talk we couldn’t do it before without both of us getting defensive and attacking one another.”

C. Q., Patient

“Everything I always heard said ‘talk to your children: Tell them how you feel and encourage them to do the same’. Since I stopped doing that the arguments have stopped and for the first time we able to talk to each other without arguing. I wish I had known this 20 years ago.”

Brett S., Patient

“I got more out of 3 sessions with Phil than I did with 4 years of counseling. I understood for the first time what was happening with our attempts to communicate. Everything we thought we knew about communication was wrong and was the reason out situation was getting worse. We can’t believe how this information has changed our relationship.”

R. Q., Patient

“I came for relationship issues and had a long list of health issues I couldn’t fix. After one session I saw how they were all related.”

R. D., Patient

“I came in for job stress issues, I left seeing how I need to rethink some fundamental life issues if my husband and I are to live long enough to enjoy our grandchildren.”

D. M, Patient

“It was amazing to see what Phil said would occur and it happened exactly that way.”

J. Y., Patient

“When I first contacted Phil, my marriage was on the verge of a complete collapse due to my anger. When I reached out when I found him online, I was quite surprised when he called me back quickly and spent time talking to me over the phone for a consultation. His words of inspiration gave me hope and a path forward to change my behaviors. After watching his first video with my wife, I immediately began to see myself in his series and what I needed to do for my health and marriage. It has only been 10 days or so since we first met, but Phil has helped me more in those few days than ANY previous counseling that I have EVER had. Me and my wife are no longer trapped in the vicious cycle of loveless anger and are beginning to fall back in love. I can truly say that Phil is a no-nonsense guy that tells it like it is and that’s what I need. I am truly blessed that I was able to connect with him. Not only are me and my wife not arguing constantly but my health is improving significantly. My work is better than it has been in years. Things are coming into place and life is back on track.”

A. K., Patient

“We hit the wall. The chain of counselors pushed us there. We had tried a number of different counselors before coming to Phil. All they did was listen and offered no solutions, so suggestions, no homework or assignments. In the first session with Phil, we knew what we were doing wrong and left that session with concrete and practical assignments to fix our situation.”

Debra H. Charlotte, Patient

“After getting this information, we saw it was clearly us. Not only was our communication attempts making it worse but we realized what was the source of our ongoing health problems.”

T. R., Patient

“The information I received in the initial session was incredible intense – enlightening and simple. I was able to see that I had been doing wrong my whole life.”

C. J., Patient

“I understand for the first time what was happening with us in our attempts to communicate. Everything we ever learned was wrong and make it worse.”

M. N., Patient

“We had tried a number of different counselors before coming to Phil. All they did was listen and offered no solutions, so suggestions, no homework or assignments. In the first session with Phil, we knew what we were doing wrong and left that session with concrete and practical assignments to fix our situation.”

R. B., Patient

“I don’t come to counseling to talk only. I come for solutions. I found Phil’s solution and practical approach much better than the ‘talking only’ approaches I found with other counselors.”

E. G., Patient

“We thought our caring was dead after so much arguing. It was incredible to see how quickly we could stop the arguments and how quickly we started caring again.”

H. J., Patient