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Let’s Close the Chapter of Men’s Anger, Together

Let’s be realistic for a while and accept the fact that anger is an extremely common emotion- it’s just like feeling happy, sad and overwhelmed! However, not having any control over your angry emotions can be problematic; it can immediately pave the way toward interpersonal misunderstandings, road rage, violence, etc. Men who can express their anger in a controlled fashion will be able to navigate through the situation; others might opt for men’s anger management in Monroe and seek professional help.

In this blog, we will delve deeper into the various aspects of men’s anger issues, along with the benefits of anger management therapies. Stay tuned.

Men Use Their Anger Issues to Hide Underlying Feelings

Men undergo a lot of emotional toll; they find it hard to talk about it. As a result, they end up showing their anger to hide these gut-wrenching feelings:

  • Sadness: There’s a common myth related to men’s sadness- they don’t allow themselves to be sad anyway. Since these guys are always expected to stay strong, their sadness is often portrayed in the form of anger. Undergoing men’s issues therapy in Concord Harrisburg is indeed a good decision to handle such situations.
  • Fear: Few men fear socialization, but they can’t show their terrified emotions. Since fear is considered to be a sign of weakness, they choose to express themselves in anger instead.
  • A feeling of Jealousy: Feeling jealous and envious can be extremely intimidating and reflect adverse effects. This typically paves the way toward anger.
  • Shame and Guilt: Accepting guilt after some wrongdoing or feeling remorse is tough. On the other hand, being angry is just an easier option.
  • Loneliness: Isolation and loneliness expose an individual to a pool of negative emotions. This volatile and unstable emotional turmoil is responsible for leading to serious anger issues.

Benefits of Men’s Anger Management Therapy

Now, the time to scheme through the benefits of men’s anger management therapy has arrived; take a look:

●       Know and Spot the Triggers

There are certain factors that typically trigger your anger; identifying them is the key to managing your frustration in the first place. The moment you are able to spot the patterns and themes behind your anger, controlling it will become as smooth as a cake.

●       Learn Coping Mechanism

In an anger management therapy session, the counselor will never ask you to ignore your feelings and defend your anger. Instead, they will talk about ways to cope with the given situation. It will improve your interpersonal relationships while safeguarding you from a fight-or-flight situation. Therapy for relationship issues in Harrisburg also involves sessions on coping techniques; it is an art that can contribute to your overall well-being.

●       Reduces Anxiety and Stress

Hard feelings like anger are potent enough to make you feel anxious and stressed. It makes you feel drained, both emotionally and physically. Some of the consequences that you might deal with because of anxiety include muscle pain, high blood pressure, insomnia, etc. Thanks to the advent of anger management therapies, reducing the possibility of stress and anxiety is easier now.

●       Healthier Lifestyle

Last but not least, a calm mind and positive mindset help you enjoy a healthier lifestyle. Anger issues often force the person to depend on substance abuse. In such cases, you can also opt for substance abuse treatment in Concord!

Seek Professional Help and Take a Step Toward Overall Wellbeing

Dear men, it’s okay to be angry, but the moment it starts bothering you, make sure to take steps to heal and cure. We at Go Beyond Talk Therapy have got your back. Book an online appointment with us, and we promise to help you in the best way possible. Apart from men’s anger management, we offer other therapy sessions and services like online male mental health in Huntersville, therapy for relationship issues and pornography addiction, etc. With just a few clicks, you can contact us!

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“5 Steps Back to Love” intensive couples workshop

Join us on Thu, July 16, 2020 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM EDT for this life-changing online couples workshop!

  • s chronic argument, anger, and resentment killing your relationship?
  • Are you feeling stuck and have no idea how to move forward?
  • Have you fallen so far out of love, you wonder if it will ever come back?
  • Are you living more like roommates than partners?
  • Do you feel hopeless in that no matter what you try, “nothing seems to work”?
  • Have you tried “expressing” yourself and “talking through issues”, only to find more, not less, conflict erupts?
  • Have you noticed your health deteriorating along with your relationship problems?
  • Has traditional “talk therapy” failed to provide any answer?

If you answered yes any of the above, learn and apply in one day the revolutionary new approach to resolving conflict and stop an argument immediately.

“5 Steps Back to Love” is a 1-day intensive online couples workshop to help get your relationship back from the “Dead Zone” and get back to “Being Us”.

Take 5 simple steps to learn what “UnTalk” Therapy can do for your relationship and help you and your partner out of the dead zone.

This online workshop focuses on:

  1. How to identify the body and brain changes that incite your angry blow-ups, and how to immediately end the blowups
  2. How to stop your partner from provoking you into an argument
  3. When avoiding conflict heals a relationship
  4. What works, and what does not work, in communication
  5. How your health is directly related to the health of your relationship, and how to improve both

Q: “What is the “Dead Zone”? How can my partner and I climb out of it?”

A: The relationship Dead Zone is a dangerous place. It needs to be navigated wisely and gingerly. Before you decide on a therapist who’ll escort you and your loved one out of your Dead Zone, 3 out of 4 marriages end after traditional talk therapy. That’s because expressing yourself while in the wrong state of mind can actually cause you to slide deeper into the Dead Zone. But if you understand the workings of your brain chemistry before you begin the climb, your chances of escaping the Dead Zone improve exponentially.

Sign up

Click here to sign up for the webinar.

*Disclaimer: The information provided in this online workshop should not be construed as personal therapy advice or instruction. No action should be taken based solely on the contents of this workshop. Readers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being. The information and opinions provided here are believed to be accurate and sound, based on the best judgment available to the presenter, but readers who fail to consult appropriate therapy authorities assume the risk of any consequences.

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The Douglas Coleman Show

Listen to Phil DeLuca and Douglas talk about communication for the 21st century.

Phil’s Un-Talk Therapy is the most efficient, least expensive method of ending relationship conflict and making communication fun again – just ask any of his clients who’ve “tried everything.”

To talk to Phil about your relationship, call today, or fill out the contact form and click Send.

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Corebrain Interview with Phil Deluca

148 Words of Catharsis & Self Management

​​Phil and Dr. Charles Parker of Core Brain talk about how catharsis may work for the individual but doesn’t work for the couple or for the family team – indeed it can wreck the business team. Feeling mismanagement explored.

Listen to the full interview here.

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How To Build A Great Relationship And Avoid Costly Traditional Therapy

When we find ourselves in a confrontational situation we instinctively go into “fight or flight” mode. If we don’t have the right tools to control the wave of emotions we experience, we will oftentimes go down a path we’ll later regret. This is especially true in our relationships. Disagreements are inevitable in any relationship, and these disagreements can quickly put us into this “fight or flight” mindset.

Listen to the full interview here.

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Here’s how to stop talking in order to communicate better

Phil DeLuca was a guest on The Segilola Salami Show. Philip shared his strategies to help families communicate better and deal with anger management when they stop talking. Click here to listen.

To talk to Phil about yourself or your relationship, call today, or fill out the contact form and click Send.

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Sometimes talking isn’t always the answer

Listen to Phil DeLuca as a guest on Raw Relationships.

To talk to Phil about yourself or your relationship, call today, or fill out the contact form and click Send.

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Dr Phil talking God and love with the bearded back cowboy

Listen to Phil DeLuca talk on The Larry Stevenson Show – The Bearded Black Cowboy about how to stop talking in order to communicate better, heal your relationship(s) and gain better health!

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Communication and inflammation: how relationships affect our physical health

Phil DeLuca was hosted by Mature Preneurs Talk With Diana Todd-Banks to talk about how communication affects inflammation of the body and the mind. Phil’s alternative communication techniques teach couples how to rewire their relationship for better communication and better health.

Listen here:

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Getting real on the work of making relationships work

To talk to Phil about yourself or your relationship, call today, or fill out the contact form and click Send.

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